Post 7drl version with some bug fixes and additional casino game can be found at:

arrow keys to move, X/C for action/inventory respectively

My submission for the 7DRL gamejam. A few key features left unfinished, but overall mostly finished. Dive 5 floors and beat the lich while hopefully winning some loot in Kobold Fishing or Dwarven Mining.

Unfinished: fog of war, final gambling game, trap rooms, furniture special action rooms, any balance, better combat UI, better UI in general

Known bugs: sometimes a room can not have a door...this can be run ending sorry

Monsters do not drop loot, but instead have a chance to drop tokens which can then be gambled within 2 custom gambling games in the casino.

P.S. I know a core ask of the game jam was more procedural generation, but a goal of my for this project was to be able to make a physical board game of this game with little change needed. So for the map it's using a HeroQuest style main board and then picking room sizes from die rolls, type of rooms from more die rolls, and finally roomsub types from a final die roll. I did my best that it could all be converted to easily rolling 2 dice and looking at a table and putting the pieces down.


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Gameplay video of your game.


The gambling mechanic in this was really fun, but I kept getting smoked by the stronger enemies. Well done.